Streamline Workflows for Accounting Firms with Workflow Automation Software

published on 27 October 2023

Most accountants and tax professionals would likely agree:

Manual data entry and context switching between systems is incredibly tedious and inefficient work.

But what if you could automate workflows across your accounting software to boost productivity over 50% while cutting costs?

New workflow automation platforms integrate natively with leading tax prep and accounting tools to help firms achieve this.

In this post, we'll look at how workflow automation streamlines accounting, the top features to look for in solutions, and review software like TaxDome, Karbon, and Zoho Books that enable frictionless firm workflows.

Embracing Efficiency: An Introduction to Accounting Workflow Automation

Workflow automation software is reinventing operations for modern accounting firms. By automating repetitive, manual processes, practices can reduce human error, free up employee bandwidth, and focus on high-value tasks.

Though automation was once feared as a job replacement tool, forward-thinking firms now see it as an opportunity to augment human capabilities while providing better experiences for both staff and clients.

Key Benefits of Workflow Automation

Workflow automation delivers quantifiable benefits across accounting organizations:

  • Increased productivity: Automating routine tasks like data entry and report generation allows accountants to complete more work in less time. This efficiency boost empowers firms to take on more clients without expanding headcount costs.
  • Improved accuracy: Manual processes inevitably lead to human error over time. Automated workflows configured by accounting rules ensure tasks are completed precisely the same way, every time. This promotes accuracy and consistency.
  • Enhanced visibility: Workflow software provides transparency into processes through detailed audit trails, notifications, and status visibility. Rather than chasing down bottlenecks, firms gain end-to-end process visibility.
  • Scalability: As accounting firms grow, increasing work volumes can strain manual systems. Workflow automation seamlessly scales to manage higher capacities without decline in quality or speed.


In today's competitive environment, forward-looking accounting practices are turning to workflow automation as a strategic advantage. By empowering employees and delighting clients, automation unlocks newfound potential for accounting firms to operate more efficiently and productively.

What is workflow of accounting software?

What is accounting workflow? Workflow accounting refers to a way of monitoring and keeping track of all your processes and tasks. This approach helps in gaining complete visibility over the status of your processes, who is working on what task, and their stipulated timelines.

Accounting workflow automation software can streamline workflows by:

  • Providing a centralized dashboard to view tasks and statuses
  • Allowing for easy assignment and tracking of tasks
  • Setting automated reminders and notifications
  • Integrating with other software like CRMs
  • Enabling easy collaboration between team members
  • Reducing manual work and errors

Automating workflows can increase productivity and efficiency for accounting firms. It frees up staff to focus on high-value advisory work instead of administrative tasks. Intelligent workflow software can even recommend next steps to take based on data and trends.

With streamlined workflows, accounting professionals can deliver excellent service to clients. Automation handles routine processes so accountants can provide strategic advice. Overall automation enables sustainable growth for modern accounting practices.

Which tool can be used for automating workflows?

Automating workflows can help accounting firms streamline repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and improve efficiency. Several workflow automation software options integrate well with popular accounting platforms.

Free trial

Many workflow automation tools offer free trials so you can test out features before committing. For accounting professionals, this allows experimenting with automations between accounting software, documents, and other systems used daily. Before choosing a tool, take advantage of free trials to validate it suits your needs.

Selling point

When evaluating workflow automation tools, key selling points include number of integrations, flexibility in building workflows, collaboration features, and analytics. The tool should connect the platforms and systems already used by your firm to eliminate tedious manual work. Flexible workflow builders allow custom automations without coding. Collaboration tools keep teams aligned. Analytics provide visibility into how automated workflows are performing.


Zapier is popular for its vast library of over 3,000 app integrations. It can connect accounting platforms like QuickBooks to tools like G Suite, Slack, Mailchimp and more. Workflows called "Zaps" can be built easily without coding. It offers a free plan for basic usage. The main limitation is Zaps run max 5 times per hour on the free plan, so it may not suit complex accounting needs.


Yes Workflow is a promising automation tool aimed at accounting professionals. It deeply integrates with accounting platforms like QuickBooks Online, Xero, and FreshBooks. Yes Workflow makes it simple to build automated workflows and integrates with various document creation and eSignature tools. It's designed specifically to eliminate repetitive accounting tasks. Pricing starts at $9 per month.

Many integrations

Accounting professionals rely on many SaaS platforms, so using a workflow tool with abundant integrations allows connecting systems seamlessly. Assess how easily the tool can connect all the platforms currently used before deciding. More integrations means more automation possibilities without having to overhaul existing accounting tech stacks.

Which tool is most effective to support workflow management?

As accounting firms seek to optimize efficiency and streamline workflows, workflow automation tools have emerged as invaluable solutions. With so many options available, determining the right software is key to boosting productivity.

When evaluating workflow automation systems, several key criteria should be assessed:

  • Integration capabilities: The system should integrate seamlessly with common accounting platforms like QuickBooks Online and Xero to enable smooth data flows.
  • Customizability: Custom workflows, fields, rules, and templates allow the software to adapt to unique firm needs.
  • Mobility: Cloud-based access on any device enables remote teams to collaborate and keep processes moving.
  • Analytics: Robust reporting provides insight into productivity, workloads, and bottlenecks to optimize operations.
  • Security: Rigorous safety protocols, encryption, and permission settings keep sensitive client data protected.

Pipefy stands out for its visually intuitive workflow builder that empowers users to create automated processes tailored to their accounting environment. It delivers ready-made accounting templates while also offering limitless customization powered by a drag-and-drop builder and 400+ app integrations. Pipefy accelerates everything from client onboarding to invoicing with features like task automation, parallel workflows, Gantt chart reporting, and process analytics.

By selecting a workflow automation solution purpose-built for accounting, firms gain efficiency, consistency, and scalability. The right software becomes a force multiplier that allows limited personnel to handle growing workloads. Evaluating solutions against key criteria ensures accounting professionals derive maximum value and productivity from workflow automation.

What is automation workflow software?

Workflow automation software streamlines business processes by automatically handling repetitive tasks according to predefined rules and workflows. This eliminates the need for employees to manually perform routine activities, allowing them to focus on higher-value work.

Key benefits of workflow automation software for accounting firms include:

Saving Time and Money

  • Automates repetitive, time-consuming tasks like data entry, file transfers, email notifications
  • Reduces overhead costs associated with manual processes
  • Enables staff to focus on high-value advisory services

Improving Accuracy

  • Minimizes human error by ensuring processes follow programmed logic and workflows
  • Provides audit trail for transactions and processes
  • Helps comply with accounting standards and regulations

Enhancing Visibility and Reporting

  • Real-time dashboards provide insights into workflows
  • Detailed reports track key process metrics and performance
  • Better visibility aids data-driven decision making

Popular accounting workflow automation software solutions like TaxDome integrate seamlessly with major platforms like QuickBooks Online and Xero. This helps firms optimize workflows for core business functions:

  • Client onboarding
  • Billing and invoicing
  • Account reconciliations
  • Financial reporting

Automating such workflows eliminates bottlenecks, improves staff productivity, reduces costs, and provides better services to clients. The software pays for itself through the time and efficiency gains.


Accounting teams face several pain points that reduce productivity and efficiency, from manual data entry to context switching fatigue. However, the right workflow automation software can help resolve these challenges.

The Drudgery of Manual Data Entry

Manually entering data between accounting systems and spreadsheets is tedious and error-prone. It eats up time professionals could better spend on value-add analysis and advising clients.

Workflow automation tools like Karbon can integrate natively with popular accounting platforms. This eliminates the need for duplicate data entry by automatically transferring information between systems. Teams save significant time they'd otherwise waste re-keying data.

Overcoming Context Switching Fatigue

Constantly toggling between accounting software, email, documents, and other systems splits focus and reduces individual productivity by up to 40%.** **It hampers accounting teams' ability to work efficiently.

Robust workflow solutions centralize core systems into a single intuitive interface. This consolidation eliminates the need to constantly switch between platforms. Streamlined and contextual workflows keep teams engaged on high-value tasks.

Achieving Clarity: Solving the Lack of Visibility

Without real-time visibility into workloads, bottlenecks easily develop unseen. Managing partners struggle to accurately gauge team bandwidth and assign resources appropriately.

TaxDome and similar tools overlay intelligent workflows onto existing systems. This provides transparency into individual and firm-wide productivity. Managers can spot choke points as they develop and redistribute work to maintain velocity. Activity-based time tracking further enhances clarity into how teams spend their time.

The Power of Automation: Reaping the Benefits in Accounting

As accounting firms face increasing demands for efficiency and productivity, automation presents a compelling solution. Automating repetitive tasks and integrating workflows between platforms can significantly streamline operations. This allows accounting teams to focus on high-value, strategic initiatives rather than manual busywork.

Accounting automation delivers quantitative benefits through time and cost savings. However, it also enables qualitative improvements around visibility, accuracy, and collaboration. Let's explore some of the key ways automation enhances accounting workflows.

Effortless Data Entry: The Automated Way

Manually entering data is tedious, error-prone, and a poor use of accounting talent. Automation eliminates repetitive clerical tasks through:

  • Auto-Population of Forms: Automatically port client data into required filings and documents. This removes the need to manually enter the same information across multiple platforms.
  • Seamless Data Syncing: Bidirectionally move data between accounting, ERP, POS, eCommerce, and other systems without manual rekeying. This keeps data up-to-date across all applications.
  • Smart Workflows: Configure chained automations to pass information across multiple accounting activities. This conserves time and effort while minimizing risk of human error.

Automating rote data tasks allows accountants to focus on strategic initiatives that drive business value. It also improves accuracy by reducing manual errors.

Dashboard Dominance: Improved Visibility into Workflows

Fragmented accounting systems make it difficult to monitor workflows holistically. Automation consolidates data from disparate applications into unified dashboards. This grants leadership real-time visibility to:

  • Track Workloads: Monitor accounting team capacity, spot potential bottlenecks early, and proactively balance work allocation.
  • Identify Issues: Alerts and notifications for exceptions or tasks needing review. Rapidly research and resolve problems.
  • Analyze Performance: Gain insight into accounting workflow efficiency with metrics for cycle times, first-pass accuracy, and more. Identify improvement opportunities.

With an integrated view of accounting operations, firms can optimize processes, improve forecasting, and support data-driven decisions for strategy and growth.

Collaboration Unleashed: Enhanced Team Coordination

Disjointed accounting platforms and email-driven coordination hamper collaboration. Automating hand-offs streamlines cross-functional efforts:

  • Structured Work Transfers: Smoothly route work from preparers to reviewers with built-in approval chains. Reduce email clutter and manual requests.
  • Shared Context: Background information, supporting documents, and cross-references automatically attached to tasks. Promotes alignment.
  • Real-time Tracking: Dynamic workload balancing based on task statuses and employee availability. Enables proactive risk management.

Automated tools to orchestrate team efforts lead to quicker turnarounds, reduced miscommunications, and less friction during period close.

While individual solutions have merit, integrated accounting automation delivers exponential benefits. With a unified platform to eliminate manual tasks, improve visibility, and promote collaboration, accounting teams can achieve unprecedented productivity. This allows the business to scale without exponentially growing headcount – driving operational leverage and profitability.

Choosing Your Arsenal: Key Features of Top-Tier Automation Software

Accounting firms rely on a suite of platforms to manage clients, track hours, generate invoices, and more. However, constantly switching between these disjointed systems leads to frustrating inefficiencies. The solution lies in workflow automation software.

By integrating platforms and automating repetitive tasks, top solutions like Zapier, Integromat, and enable seamless data flows to optimize workflows. As you evaluate options, focus on these pivotal capabilities:

Integration Mastery: Seamless System Connections

The foundation of impactful automation is integrating the accounting, analytics, billing, tax prep and other platforms already in use. Prioritize solutions offering 1500+ app integrations through pre-built connectors that sync data fields bidirectionally with just a few clicks.

Target platforms centralizing platforms like QuickBooks Online, Xero, Sage Intacct, NetSuite, and FreshBooks. But also confirm support for ancillary tools like Slack, Calendly, Dropbox, and G Suite to fully optimize workflows.

With robust platform support, automating workflows is simply a matter of linking app triggers to actions across systems. For example, when a new Gusto timesheet entry is approved, automatically create an invoice in QuickBooks Online and notify the client via email.

The Magic of Process Automation Tools

While pre-built integrations streamline connections, custom process automation tools enable building tailored workflows to standardize unique manual efforts.

For instance, setting up a new client may involve creating a contact in HubSpot, generating an estimate in QuickBooks Online, and adding tasks in Asana. Instead of piecing these steps together manually, use process builders to automatically trigger actions across apps upon form submission or other events.

Prioritize solutions with intuitive drag-and-drop workflow designers requiring no coding expertise. Customizable input forms, conditionals, delays, notifications, and other advanced tools should also be available to handle complex business logic.

With process automation, accomplishing in minutes what once took hours is no longer a pipe dream.

Guardians of Data: Access Control Settings

In an era of growing privacy regulations, securing data access is non-negotiable, especially for accounting firms.

Ensure your workflow automation solution offers granular settings to customize user roles and permissions. At minimum, you should be able to restrict visibility into certain workflows and prevent modifying critical integrations.

More advanced access controls include limiting record-level data, read-only restrictions, and specialized administrator roles. For inter-departmental workflows, allow other teams to safely utilize automation while protecting sensitive financial data.

With lock-tight security protocols, you can confidently utilize workflow software knowing privacy and permissions are fully addressed.


By focusing on robust platform support, easy-to-use process automation, and ironclad security protocols, accounting teams can transform workflows with top-tier automation solutions. The result? Greater efficiency, higher productivity, and less wasted time on repetitive administrative work.

Workflow Wizards: A Look at Tax and Accounting Software Leaders

Accounting teams face immense pressure managing high volumes of documentation and data while ensuring accuracy and timeliness. The right software can provide automation to streamline workflows. Let's explore leading options like TaxDome and Karbon that firms should evaluate.

TaxDome: Tax Practice Software for the Modern Accountant

TaxDome offers a cloud-based tax practice management platform with client portals, automated billing, document management, and more to simplify workflows.

Key features include:

  • Secure client portals for easy document collection
  • Robust tax return preparation tools
  • Automated invoicing and payment collection
  • Centralized document management

With workflow automation, TaxDome enables accounting teams to prepare returns more efficiently. The software integrates with popular tax prep solutions like Lacerte Tax and UltraTax for improved data flows.

For high volume tax practices, TaxDome can drive significant time savings with its client collaboration and automated billing capabilities. This lets accountants focus on core tax planning and preparation tasks instead of administrative work.

Karbon: Best CRM and Accounting Software Integration

Karbon offers an all-in-one accounting and practice management platform with built-in CRM, workflow automation, and real-time analytics.

Key features include:

  • Client database with sales and marketing automation
  • Cloud accounting software with accounts payable/receivable
  • Document management and automated workflows
  • Customizable dashboards and reporting

By centralizing data flows between CRM, accounting, workflow, and analytics modules, Karbon delivers true end-to-end automation. Teams gain visibility into their pipeline while streamlining invoicing, collections, document management, and more.

For accounting firms seeking an integrated solution covering CRM, accounting, and tax workflows, Karbon is a leading choice. With customizable automation for key processes, the platform enables accounting teams to scale while optimizing productivity.

Zoho Books: A Contender in Cloud Accounting

Zoho Books offers capable cloud accounting software for small businesses. Key features include invoicing, expense tracking, inventory management, and financial reporting.

While Zoho Books covers the basics of cloud accounting, it offers less workflow automation compared to solutions like TaxDome and Karbon. Teams must use separate Zoho apps to get CRM, marketing automation, and document management capabilities.

For quickly growing startups and small businesses, Zoho Books provides an affordable path to modernize financial tracking and reporting. But the lack of end-to-end workflow automation makes it less suitable for larger accounting firms.

As with any software adoption, accounting leaders should start by mapping out their teams' core processes and pain points. This helps narrow down platform options that provide targeted automation for the highest impact. Purpose-built solutions like TaxDome and Karbon excel at optimizing specific tax and accounting workflows.

With the right technology foundations in place, accounting teams can confidently scale their rosters and take on new growth challenges. Modern platforms drive standardized workflows to deliver efficiency along with insights to help plan ahead.

Kickstarting Automation: Implementing Tax and Accounting Software

Implementing workflow automation software can significantly streamline operations for accounting firms. However, to successfully deploy such solutions, firms should follow key steps to ensure maximum impact and return on investment.

Strategizing Initial Use Cases for Maximum Impact

When first adopting workflow automation platforms, aim to target high pain point areas of the business. For many firms, this includes automating manual tasks around client onboarding, financial reporting, and tax preparation.

By demonstrating rapid improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings from automating these workflows, firms can build internal support for expanding usage more broadly across departments. Some examples of impactful initial automation use cases include:

  • Client onboarding questionnaires and document collection
  • Monthly/quarterly financial report generation
  • Tax return preparation and filing

Starting with quick wins in mission-critical workflows enables firms to showcase the tangible benefits of automation. This in turn drives further investment and more ambitious process transformation initiatives.

Seamless Symbiosis: Mapping Platform Integrations

A key benefit of modern workflow software solutions is their ability to connect directly with the other systems used by accounting firms.

For example, leading platforms like TaxDome and Karbon integrate bidirectionally with top accounting, productivity, and analytics tools. This enables the seamless flow and syncing of client data between platforms without manual duplication of work.

Some valuable integrations accounting firms should prioritize mapping include:

  • Accounting systems like QuickBooks Online and Xero
  • Productivity suites such as G Suite and Office 365
  • Business analytics providers like Fathom and Klipfolio

Building bridges between key firm systems is essential for maximizing the capabilities and accuracy of workflow automation. Dedicate resources to exploring and configuring these native integration capabilities early in the implementation process.

Cultivating an Automation Culture for User Adoption

Perhaps most vital to successfully embedding automation is nurturing an organizational culture that embraces such solutions. To drive adoption amongst teams, focus on highlighting specific benefits that make their work easier while also communicating the larger vision.

Some best practices in ushering in an automation-first culture include:

  • Conducting interactive training sessions to equip staff with hands-on experience
  • Setting up "automation buddies" for peer learning and troubleshooting
  • Celebrating and rewarding teams and individuals demonstrating creative use of automation
  • Sharing success stories and metrics internally about efficiency gains

By cultivating enthusiasm amongst end users, firms can unlock the full transformational impact of workflow automation. Rather than a top-down mandate, view technology change as an ongoing collaborative process.

In summary, accounting firms can set their automation journey up for success by starting with targeted high-impact use cases, enabling connections between existing systems, and getting staff buy-in through an automation-focused culture. Following structured best practices can help firms smoothly transition manual workflows to accurate, efficient and cost-effective automated processes powered by leading tax and accounting software solutions.

Charting the Course: Envisioning the Future of Automated Accounting

Workflow software is transforming accounting into a strategic function that drives business growth. As technology advances, accountants have an opportunity to enhance productivity and provide more value-added advisory services.

Embracing Change Through Workflow Automation

Automating routine tasks allows accountants to focus on high-level responsibilities. Workflow software streamlines processes like data entry and report generation. This frees up time for analyzing financials, spotting trends, and advising clients.

The key is embracing change. Eliminating tedious work means accountants can operate more strategically. Automated workflows let them deliver actionable insights that impact the bottom line.

Adding Value Through Enhanced Reporting

With streamlined workflows, firms can expand reporting capabilities. Software generates interactive visualizations from real-time data. This augments standard reporting with dynamic views that uncover growth opportunities.

More robust analysis enables a shift to predictive accounting. Identifying future trends based on historical performance allows for better forecasting. This helps guide operational and financial decisions proactively.

Forging New Paths in Advisory Services

As automation becomes widespread, the accountant's role expands from number crunching to advising. Freed from data entry and reporting tasks, practitioners focus on consultations that drive business strategy.

Forward-thinking firms recognize this shift. They forge new service paths centered on actionable intelligence and performance optimization. Automated workflows lay the foundation for adding value through insights and advising.

The future belongs to accountants who leverage technology to transform how they operate. Workflow automation paves the way for enhanced analysis, predictive planning, and strategic consulting. By embracing innovation, firms can chart a course toward increased efficiency and a more strategic role.

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