Aug 29, 2024

Tracking Donations in Xero: A Simple Guide

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Written by Santiago Poli

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Tracking donations accurately is critical for nonprofits and charities. However, many struggle to efficiently account for contributions in their accounting software.

Luckily, Xero provides customizable features to seamlessly record and track charitable donations.

In this post, you'll discover step-by-step methods to configure Xero specifically for donation management.

You'll learn how to set up tailored chart of accounts, process various donation types, create tracking spreadsheets, manage tax reporting, and more.

Introduction to Tracking Donations in Xero

Accurately tracking donations is critical for nonprofits using Xero. Proper financial reporting, tax compliance, and donor relations all rely on keeping careful records of charitable contributions. This article will overview key reasons to track donations and provide guidance on configuring Xero to capture donation details.

Understanding the Importance of Accurate Donation Records

Careful donation tracking serves several key purposes:

  • Financial Reporting: Donations are a key component of revenue for nonprofits. Accurate records ensure financial statements reflect actual contribution levels. This helps with budgeting, forecasting, and demonstrating program impact to stakeholders.

  • Tax Compliance: Nonprofits must comply with tax rules around charitable deductions and disclosures. Detailed donation history aids in properly classifying gifts for Form 990 reporting.

  • Donor Relations: Comprehensive donation details enable personalized donor acknowledgment and stewardship. This helps strengthen supporter relationships and loyalty over time.

In summary, robust donation tracking lays the foundation for essential nonprofit financial and operational activities. It is not merely an administrative task, but an integral piece of furthering mission and vision.

Configuring Xero for Charitable Contributions

Xero provides several ways to capture donation details:

  • Accounts: Create specific income accounts for different contribution types - individual gifts, corporate grants, events, etc. Use tracking categories to further classify transactions.

  • CRM Connection: Sync donations from a CRM like Salesforce to maintain complete contributor records and coordinate outreach in one system.

  • Custom Fields: Define additional custom fields in contacts, invoices, or transactions to track designations, campaigns, honorees, and other specifics per gift.

Taking time to intentionally configure Xero to collect key donation information will pay dividends across critical organizational functions in the long-run.

How do I track charitable donations?

To track charitable donations for tax purposes, you must maintain proper records. This includes:

  • The name of the charity
  • The date you made the contribution
  • The amount of the cash contribution
  • The value of any non-cash contributions

For cash donations, save any bank records, credit card statements, canceled checks, or receipts from the charity. For donations of $250 or more, you also need a written acknowledgement from the charity documenting the gift.

If you donate goods, keep receipts showing what you paid for the items. You'll also need written proof from the charity documenting the donation, including a reasonably detailed description of the property.

Many donors use a spreadsheet to track tax-deductible donations throughout the year. Useful information to record includes:

  • Charity name and contact info
  • Date of contribution
  • Donation amount
  • Form of contribution (cash, check, credit card, stock, etc.)
  • Description of any non-cash items donated

Keeping meticulous donation records makes tax time easier. When you have all the needed documentation and details in one place, you can accurately claim eligible charitable deductions.

How do I enter donations in Xero?

To record donations in Xero, first go to your Chart of Accounts and open the account you have set up for charitable contributions. On the bottom right of the account details, check the "Enable payments to this account" box and save your changes.

You can then record donations in Xero as invoices using this charitable contributions account as the "bank account" the money is coming from. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Accounts > Sales > Invoices and click "Add Invoice"
  2. Select the customer or contact the donation is from
  3. Enter the donation amount as the invoice total
  4. Under Bank Account, select your Charitable Contributions account
  5. Add any additional details about the donation in the line description or notes
  6. Save the invoice

Recording donations as invoices allows you to track all charitable contributions coming in. The donations will show up as credits to your Charitable Contributions account on the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss report.

You can run donation reports in Xero to reconcile donations, issue tax receipts, and track donations by customer or project. Enable the "Donations" checkbox under Reporting Codes when creating invoices to tag transactions as donations for reporting.

I hope this helps explain how to enter donations into Xero! Let me know if you have any other questions.

How do I account for charity donations?

When you donate products or services that you normally sell to a charity, you'll need to record the transaction properly in your books. Here are the steps to take:

  1. Create an invoice for the products or services you donated as if you sold them to the charity. Record the full normal selling price and quantity.

  2. Create a Charitable Contributions account in your chart of accounts to track donations. This will be an expense account.

  3. Create a Charitable Contributions item in your products/services list. You will apply this item to credit notes to record the donations.

  4. Issue a credit note to the charity customer account, using the Charitable Contributions item. Make sure the credit note totals the full value of the original donation invoice. This offsets the invoice and records the donation expense.

Recording donations this way allows you to properly track inventory, account for the expense of the contribution, and document it for taxation purposes. The key is to initially record it as a normal sale, then credit the invoice amount to essentially provide the inventory or services for free to the charity.

How do you account for donations given?

When giving donations from your business, it's important to properly record them in your accounting software. Here are some tips for accounting for donations given in Xero:

Create a Donations Given Expense Account

  • In your Xero chart of accounts, create a new expense account called "Donations Given" or something similar. This allows you to easily track all donations your business contributes.

  • Set the account type to "Operating Expense" when creating it.

  • For example, on January 12, 2024, $500 was donated. Select the "Donations Given" expense account and categorize a $500 expense entry on that date.

Keeping donations as a separate expense account makes it easy to run reports on charitable contributions for tax purposes. It also provides transparency into how much your business gives back.

Itemize Donations for More Detail

Rather than a single expense entry, you can also create individual billable donation entries:

  • Create a donations "product" with a unit cost of $0. This allows you to generate donation invoices without a payment.

  • When giving a donation, add a bill item with the donations product and desired donation amount.

  • This keeps an itemized paper trail of donations given which can be useful for some financial reporting needs.

Be sure donations are properly classified as expenses given, not mistaken as inventory or other asset purchases. Track them clearly and run reports as needed.

Setting Up a Xero Charity Chart of Accounts

Charitable organizations rely on donations to fund their operations and services. As such, properly tracking these contributions is critical for legal, accounting, and operational purposes. This guide outlines key steps for configuring your Xero chart of accounts to effectively record and monitor donations.

Creating Donation Revenue Accounts

To track incoming donations in Xero:

  1. Navigate to the Chart of Accounts section
  2. Create a top-level Donations income account
  3. Add sub-accounts for different donation types (e.g. Individuals, Corporations, Foundations)

For example:

Donations Income
- Individuals
- Corporations 
- Foundations

This allows donations to be classified by source for reporting purposes.

Additional tips:

  • Enable payments to map directly to the appropriate donation account based on Transaction ID or Reference
  • Set up separate bank accounts to segregate donation funds

Properly categorizing donation inflows is key for legal compliance and transparency.

Defining Donation Expense Accounts

To track charity program expenses funded by donations:

  1. Create a top-level Donations program expense account
  2. Build sub-accounts for specific programs or services

For example:

Donations Program Expenses
- Food Bank Operations
- After School Program
- Homeless Shelter

This enables precise tracking of how donations are utilized across the organization's charitable initiatives.

Additional best practices:

  • Set budget targets for programs to monitor spend
  • Run reports detailing program costs and performance
  • Assign expenses to specific donations using metadata like Transaction ID

Closely monitoring outgoing funds is vital for ensuring donor resources are used responsibly.

Proactively planning your Xero chart of accounts for donations and expenses establishes the foundation for accurate recordkeeping, reporting, and governance over contributed assets. Reach out for assistance configuring your system.

How to Record Charity Donations in Xero

Recording charitable donations in Xero can help nonprofits track fundraising efforts and provide transparency into how donations are used. This section covers key steps for entering different types of donations.

Processing Online & Credit Card Donations

Online donations received through your website or other platforms can be automatically imported into Xero with bank feed connections.

  • Set up a dedicated bank account in Xero to receive online donations. Connect it to services like PayPal or Stripe.
  • Incoming transactions will be coded as "Donations" by default. Review to ensure accuracy.
  • For recurring monthly donations, Xero will record each transaction separately.
  • You can also manually record one-off or missing donations by making a spend or receive money transaction. Select "Donations" account.

Handling Check Donations

To record monetary donations made by check:

  • Endorse checks and deposit into your nonprofit bank account connected to Xero.
  • Matched transactions will appear. Confirm the amount and account are correct.
  • For any unmatched checks, manually enter a spend or receive money transaction, selecting the "Donations" account.

Accounting for Non-Cash Donations

For in-kind or non-monetary donations:

  • Determine fair market value based on similar goods. Retain documentation.
  • Create a manual journal entry:
    • Debit relevant asset account (e.g. Inventory)
    • Credit Donation Income account
  • You can also raise an invoice for the donation amount without charging.

Accurately recording all donations provides key insights into fundraising totals and sources of income.

Creating a Donation Tracking Spreadsheet in Xero

Tracking donations can be critical for nonprofits and charitable organizations. Fortunately, Xero offers easy ways to track donations directly within the platform or by integrating with spreadsheet software.

Integrating with Spreadsheet Software

You can link your Xero data to external spreadsheet programs like Excel or Google Sheets. This allows you to pull financial information from Xero into a custom spreadsheet optimized for tracking donations. Some tips:

  • Use Xero's API to build automated connections between Xero and your desired spreadsheet platform. This seamlessly transfers data on a regular schedule.
  • Manually export specific donation-related reports from Xero as CSV files, then import them into your spreadsheet. This gives you more control over the data transfer.
  • Build spreadsheet templates that automatically populate with Xero data. For example, have donation amounts flow into a table or chart that calculates totals over time.

Customizing Spreadsheet Templates for Donations

Spreadsheets offer lots of flexibility to track donations just the way your organization needs:

  • Create columns for key details like donor name, date, donation amount, campaign, etc. Customize to your specific tracking requirements.
  • Use formulas and formatting to automatically calculate totals, averages, largest/smallest donations over various time frames.
  • Build pivot tables and charts to visualize donation data, spot trends and outliers.
  • Set up conditional formatting rules to highlight certain types of donations, like large gifts.

The key is structuring your spreadsheet to sync seamlessly with Xero while also providing at-a-glance views of donation activity and patterns over time. This helps inform budget decisions and donor engagement strategies.

Managing Donation Receipts and Expenses

Charitable donations can be confusing to track in accounting software like Xero. This section provides guidance on managing donation receipts and expenses within Xero to ensure proper financial reporting.

Is a Donation an Expense in Xero?

Donations given to registered charities are generally considered expenses from an accounting perspective, rather than assets. This means when you give money to a charity, you should record it as a donation expense in Xero. The donation expense account reduces your profit/income for tax purposes.

However, donations received by your organization would not be recorded as expenses. Instead, they would be tracked as income in a donation income account or liability account until the funds are used.

So in summary:

  • Donations you give are recorded as expenses
  • Donations you receive are recorded as income/liabilities

This affects the way donations flow through your Xero accounts and financial statements.

Recording Donation Expense Accounting Entries

When you make a donation to a registered charity, follow these steps to record it in Xero:

  1. Create a separate donations expense account under Expenses. For example: Charitable Donations Expense.

  2. When you make a donation, record it as a spend transaction using the Charitable Donations Expense account.

  3. Enter the donation amount as the spend amount.

  4. Add the charity name and any other details in the transaction description.

Attaching the donation receipt as a billable expense can help track each donation to the corresponding charity. Make sure to categorize donations correctly based on the nature and recipient of the contribution. This will enable accurate financial reporting on charitable expenses.

Following these guidelines will help manage donation transactions within Xero for proper accounting and transparency. Let me know if you have any other questions!

How to Raise an Invoice for a Donation in Xero

Generating donation invoices in Xero can streamline the process of tracking charitable contributions. Here are some tips:

Generating Donation Invoices

To create a donation invoice in Xero:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts menu and select the donor contact
  2. Click "Add Invoice"
  3. Enter the donation details including amount and date
  4. In the line description, mark it as a donation
  5. Save the invoice

This will generate an accounting invoice specifically for the donation transaction.

Customizing Invoices for Donor Requirements

Donors may require customized invoices to meet accounting needs:

  • Include donor name, contact details, and any applicable tax ID numbers
  • Specify the type of donation (monetary, goods, services etc.)
  • Add specific project or campaign details that the donation should be allocated towards
  • Include necessary details and information for the donor's own tax reporting

By customizing donation invoices, you can provide donors with the documentation they need while also streamlining your own accounting processes.

How to Track Donations for Taxes in Xero

Preparing Donation Tax Reports

Xero makes it easy to track donations and prepare for tax season. Here are some tips:

  • Set up separate ledger accounts for different types of donations (e.g. cash, goods, services). This allows you to run contribution reports by type.

  • Categorize donations by campaign, fund, or other custom tags. Then filter reports to analyze performance by tag.

  • Run a donations report in Xero over your desired date range. This shows total contributions received.

  • Export the donations report to Excel for further segmentation and analysis.

  • Compare donation revenue month-over-month or year-over-year to identify trends.

Exporting Donation Data for Tax Preparation

Once you've run donation reports in Xero, you can export the data to Excel for tax preparation:

  • When exporting reports, select "Excel-formatted CSV" file type.

  • The export includes key details like date received, donor name, account coded, etc.

  • Segment the data by donation type, campaign, or other tags to simplify analysis.

  • Summarize total contributions by type for Schedule M-1 on Form 990 tax return.

  • Include required donor details like name, amount given, and date received.

So in summary, Xero empowers you to closely track donations and seamlessly export the detail needed for tax filings. Leverage custom reports and Excel exports to simplify preparation.

Year-End Donation Tracking & Taxes

Compiling Nonprofit Financial Statements

Properly recording donations is crucial for accurate financial reporting. Nonprofits should have a separate chart of accounts for donations, distinguishing between restricted and unrestricted contributions.

When compiling year-end financial statements, confirm all donations are coded to the right revenue account. Double check donor-imposed restrictions and proper release of restricted funds. Clearly present contribution revenue, both restricted and unrestricted, as its own line item on the Statement of Activities.

Provide transparency into donor restrictions and how restricted donations are spent through footnote disclosures. This allows financial statement users to fully understand the nature of donations and any limitations on their use.

Issuing Donation Tax Receipts

Nonprofits must provide donors with a tax deductible receipt by January 31st for all donations over $10 received in the prior calendar year.

Best practice is to generate tax receipts through Xero or integrated donation software. Ensure receipts include:

  • Donor name & contact info
  • Date and amount of all donations
  • Registered charity name & number
  • Fair market value of any goods/services provided (if applicable)
  • Description of any advantage received (if applicable)
  • Total eligible amount of gift for tax purposes

Keep accurate donation records and provide timely tax receipts to maximize donor tax deductions. This encourages sustained giving by allowing donors to claim the full tax benefit of their charitable support.

Conclusion & Next Steps

Key Takeaways for Effective Donation Management

Here are the key takeaways for nonprofits to effectively track donations in Xero:

  • Set up separate bank accounts and dedicated chart of accounts for tracking donations. This helps categorize transactions and run contribution reports.
  • Create donation expense accounts to record the value of goods/services given to donors. Connect these accounts to the dedicated donation bank account for easier reconciliation.
  • Raise invoices in Xero to have donation records tied to contacts. This tracks donor history and sends acknowledgment receipts.
  • Run reports on contribution accounts or invoices to analyze donation data for tax filings and annual statements.
  • Use tags and custom fields to segment donation types. Track designations and campaigns for accurate fund reporting.

Advancing Your Nonprofit's Donation Tracking System

To further improve donation tracking processes:

  • Build workflows to automate sending acknowledgment letters when donations are received.
  • Integrate a CRM like Salesforce to maintain comprehensive donor profiles and communication.
  • Develop custom reports and dashboards to gain insights from contribution data.
  • Enlist consulting help to customize Xero and refine accounting processes for donation management specific to your nonprofit's operations.

Establishing robust systems for recording donations in Xero takes time but pays off tremendously in the long run through accurate record keeping and helpful insights into donor trends. Consider the next steps above to take your nonprofit's donation tracking to the next level.

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