Aug 29, 2024

Interest Rate Swaps: Finance Explained

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Written by Santiago Poli

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Readers will likely agree that interest rate swaps can be complex financial instruments.

By the end of this article, you'll have a solid grasp of what interest rate swaps are, how they work, and their strategic uses in finance.

We'll define interest rate swaps, explain their mechanics and cash flows, discuss pricing and valuation methodologies, review accounting treatments, examine advanced swap structures, and summarize key takeaways for managing interest rate risk.

Introduction to Interest Rate Swaps

An interest rate swap is a derivative contract where two parties agree to exchange interest rate payments for a set period of time. Typically, one party pays a fixed rate while the other pays a floating rate that is reset periodically. Interest rate swaps allow parties to hedge or speculate on interest rates.

Defining the Interest Rate Swap

An interest rate swap involves exchanging cash flows with a counterparty. One party pays based on a fixed interest rate that does not change, while the other pays based on a floating interest rate that is tied to a benchmark like LIBOR. The payments are calculated on an agreed notional principal that the swap is based on.

Parties may enter into swaps to hedge interest rate risk or speculate on interest rate moves. For example, a company with floating rate debt may swap into fixed rates to hedge against rising interest rates.

Fixed Interest Rate Swaps Finance Explained

In a plain vanilla fixed interest rate swap, one party makes payments based on a predetermined fixed rate, while the counterparty makes payments based on a floating interest rate.

The party paying the fixed rate is hedging against the risk that the floating rate may rise. Meanwhile, the counterparty paying the floating rate is speculating that rates will fall.

The cash flows exchanged are calculated on the notional amount. However, this principal is not exchanged.

The Functionality of Swap Agreements

The key functionality of an interest rate swap is to exchange one stream of future interest payments for another, based on differing rates. This allows parties to effectively swap their interest rate exposures.

For example, a company with floating rate debt can swap into fixed rate exposure to lock in interest expense. Or a bank with fixed rate assets can swap into floating rates that may rise.

Swaps allow parties to reconfigure their interest rate risk profiles to suit their financial strategies and risk appetites.

Primary Parties in an Interest Rate Swap

The primary parties in an interest rate swap are counterparties that:

  • Agree to exchange interest payments
  • Take opposing positions based on fixed and floating rates
  • Hedge against or speculate on interest rate moves

Common types of counterparties include banks, corporations, institutional investors, and hedge funds looking to achieve their financial objectives.

Both parties are exposed to credit risk from the other party defaulting on their obligations over the life of the swap.

How do banks make money on interest rate swaps?

Banks act as intermediaries in interest rate swap transactions, facilitating the exchange of fixed and floating rate payments between counterparties. Here is how they generate revenue:

  • Spread between rates: Banks pay a lower fixed rate to the market to hedge the higher fixed rate payments they receive from the customer. This spread is where banks earn their margin.

  • Upfront fees: Banks may charge fees to arrange and structure the swap contracts. These fees contribute to swap trading revenue.

  • Ongoing fees: Some banks charge annual fees over the swap term to manage the contract and associated risks. This provides additional recurring revenue.

  • Speculation: If swap rates move favorably, banks can generate trading gains by taking outright swap positions and hedging market risk. However, speculation also exposes banks to potential losses.

In summary, banks primarily earn money on interest rate swaps through the spread between the fixed rates paid and received. They may also generate fee income and trading gains, while taking on counterparty and market risk that needs to be actively managed.

How do you read an interest rate swap?

An interest rate swap quote contains key details about the swap contract, typically presented as:

  • Open: The opening price when trading begins for the day
  • High: The highest price traded during the day
  • Low: The lowest price traded during the day
  • Close: The last traded price when the market closes for the day

The values are shown as percentages, indicating the annualized interest rate agreed upon between the two parties.

For example, a swap quote of:

Open: 1.93
High: 1.97
Low: 1.90
Close: 1.96

Means the annualized interest rate opened at 1.93%, reached a high of 1.97%, dropped to a low of 1.90%, and closed at 1.96% for the day.

So an interest rate swap with a quote of 1.96 is an agreement to exchange interest cash flows annually based on an interest rate of 1.96%.

The two parties agree to swap future interest payments based on this rate, one party paying a fixed rate and the other a floating rate, to hedge against interest rate risk.

What is the interest rate swap financial model?

An interest rate swap is a financial derivative contract between two parties to exchange interest rate payments for a set period of time. The key components of an interest rate swap are:

  • Counterparties - The two parties agreeing to the swap terms. Typically a bank or financial institution and a company.

  • Notional principal - The hypothetical underlying amount upon which the interest payments are based.

  • Fixed rate - One party agrees to pay a fixed interest rate on the notional principal for the swap duration.

  • Floating rate - The other party agrees to pay a variable interest rate, like LIBOR, plus a spread on the notional principal for the duration.

  • Swap duration - The agreed upon time period for the swap, often ranging from 1-10 years.

The purpose of an interest rate swap is usually to hedge interest rate risk. For example, Company A has debt with variable rate interest payments. To hedge against rising interest rates, Company A could enter into a pay fixed, receive floating interest rate swap with Company B. This locks in a fixed interest rate payment for Company A while Company B takes on the interest rate risk.

The interest rate swap financial model calculates the net present value of the future fixed and floating interest payments to determine an initial "swap value" at inception. This helps the companies agree on fair terms for the swap. Throughout the swap duration, the model tracks the floating rate payments against the fixed to calculate an ongoing "mark-to-market" swap value.

How do swaps work in finance?

Swaps are derivative contracts that allow two parties to exchange cash flows or liabilities from different financial instruments. The key aspects of how swaps work include:

The swap structure

  • Swaps involve an agreement between two counterparties to exchange cash flows or liabilities over a set period of time.
  • One stream of cash flows is swapped for another based on a specified notional principal amount.
  • Swaps allow parties to exchange risks and can be used to hedge exposures or speculate on market changes.

The swap process

  • Swaps are primarily traded over-the-counter (OTC) directly between two parties, a model known as bilateral trading.
  • Parties agree to the terms of the swap, including the notional amount, fixed and floating rates, and length to maturity.
  • During the life of the swap, cash flows are exchanged between the counterparties at specified intervals, often tied to interest payment schedules.
  • At maturity, the swap expires and the final exchange of cash flows takes place.

Common types of swaps

Some of the most common swaps used in finance include:

  • Interest rate swaps - Parties exchange fixed and floating rate interest payments on a notional amount. Used to hedge or speculate on interest rate moves.
  • Currency swaps - Parties exchange principal and interest payments on a loan in one currency for payments in another currency. Used to hedge foreign exchange risk.
  • Credit default swaps - The buyer purchases protection against default on a bond or loan. Used to hedge or speculate on credit risk.

In summary, swaps provide flexibility in managing financial risks and exposures by exchanging cash flows between parties. Their customized nature allows firms to fine-tune their hedging and speculation strategies.


Mechanics of Interest Rate Swaps

Understanding Notional Principal and Maturity

The notional principal amount in an interest rate swap is used to calculate the cash flows exchanged between the parties. This amount is not actually exchanged. It serves as a reference point for the swap.

The maturity date specifies the end date of the swap agreement. On this date, the final exchange of cash flows takes place and the contract terminates. Typical maturities range from 1 to 30 years. Longer maturities have greater interest rate risk.

Cash Flows in Swap Transactions

In a plain vanilla fixed-for-floating rate swap:

  • One party pays a fixed rate on the notional amount
  • The counterparty pays a floating rate on the same notional

The fixed rate is determined at inception. The floating rate is reset periodically (e.g. 3 months) based on a reference rate like LIBOR.

At each payment date, the party with the higher rate pays the net difference to the other counterparty. No principal amount gets exchanged.

The Role of LIBOR in Swap Pricing

Many swaps use LIBOR as the floating reference rate. LIBOR reflects short-term interbank lending rates. It serves as a benchmark for pricing swaps and other derivatives.

As LIBOR changes based on credit conditions, it causes the floating rate cash flows in a swap to fluctuate. This impacts the market value of the swap over time.

Parties can add or subtract a spread from LIBOR to adjust swap pricing based on credit risk.

Interest Rate Swap Example

Company A has floating rate debt tied to 3-month LIBOR + 1%. It is concerned about rising interest rates.

Company B has fixed rate bonds at 4%. It prefers floating rate exposure.

They enter into a 5-year $10 million notional swap:

  • A pays fixed 4% to B
  • B pays floating 3-month LIBOR + 1% to A

This achieves both parties' risk management objectives. Company A locks in a synthetic fixed rate of 4% on $10 million of debt. Company B gains floating rate exposure on $10 million of funding.

Benefits and Risks of Interest Rate Swaps

Interest Rate Swap Advantages and Disadvantages

Interest rate swaps have several potential benefits as well as some risks to consider:


  • Hedging interest rate risk - Swaps allow companies to exchange variable rate debt for fixed rate debt, or vice versa, to better match assets and liabilities. This can hedge against interest rate fluctuations.
  • Access better financing terms - Companies with strong credit can pass their lower borrowing rates to other firms by entering into a swap.
  • Speculation - Swaps can be used by some investors to speculate on interest rate movements and try to profit.


  • Credit risk - If the counterparty defaults, the contract can end up having no value. Firms must assess counterparty credit risk.
  • Basis risk - There is basis risk between the swap rate and actual borrowing costs a company faces on loans.
  • Accounting complexity - Accounting and valuing swaps can be complex under accounting rules.

Overall, swaps allow great flexibility in managing interest rate risk if used properly. But firms must weigh pricing and risks.

Hedging vs. Speculation: Strategic Uses of Swaps

Companies can use interest rate swaps for two broad strategic purposes:


  • Mitigate interest rate risk
  • Lock in fixed or floating rates
  • Better match future cash flows to assets/liabilities


  • Profit from views on swap rates vs. market rates
  • Increase exposure to interest rate fluctuations
  • Used more by institutional investors/traders

Hedging is lower risk while speculation has more upside but greater chance of loss. Companies hedge to reduce uncertainty while speculators accept risk for potential profits.

Credit Risk and Counterparty Exposure

All swap contracts come with exposure to counterparty credit risk. If the counterparty defaults, any favorable value of the swap could be lost.

Firms can mitigate credit risk in swaps by:

  • Assessing counterparty credit quality and ratings
  • Requiring collateral or other credit support
  • Using central clearinghouses as counterparties
  • Spreading swaps among multiple counterparties

Still, some counterparty credit risk always remains. This must be factored into the swap agreement terms.

Swap Basics & The Treasury Curve Explained

Interest rate swaps use fixed and floating legs tied to a benchmark rate like LIBOR or based on the same maturity Treasury yield curve rates.

For example, a 5-year swap rate is closely tied to 5-year Treasury rates. The Treasury yield curve changes daily, affecting swap rates.

As Treasury rates for certain maturities rise or fall each day, the underlying swap rates for those terms also adjust accordingly. Firms must account for Treasury curve exposure in interest rate swap contracts.

Interest Rate Swap Pricing and Valuation

Interest rate swaps allow parties to exchange interest rate payments, typically between a fixed and floating rate. The valuation and pricing of these swaps is based on calculating the present value of each leg of future cash flows to determine if the swap has value.

Interest Rate Swap Pricing Fundamentals

The key components involved in pricing an interest rate swap include:

  • The notional principal amount
  • Fixed rate payments
  • Floating rate payments based on a reference rate like LIBOR
  • Tenor or maturity of the swap
  • Discounting based on the yield curve

By valuing the future fixed and floating rate payments, the swap can be priced based on whether it has positive, negative, or zero value to the parties. Generally, the fixed rate that makes the swap worth zero at initiation is the par swap rate.

Valuing Fixed and Floating Rate Payments

There are distinct methods for valuing the fixed and floating legs of an interest rate swap:

Fixed Rate Payments

The fixed leg cash flows can be valued as an annuity using the present value of an annuity formula:

Present Value = Fixed Rate x (1 - (1 + r)^-t) / r

Where r is the discount rate and t is time to maturity.

Floating Rate Payments

Since floating rates are reset periodically, floating cash flows are typically valued using simple discounted cash flow analysis at each reset date. Forward rates derived from the yield curve are used as the discount factors.

Price an Interest Rate Swap Using Excel Solver

Excel Solver is a useful tool to derive the fixed rate that makes the initial value of a swap equal to zero. The steps include:

  1. Calculate PV of fixed and floating cash flows
  2. Set cell with fixed rate as Solver variable
  3. Add PV of fixed and floating legs, set equal to 0
  4. Run Solver to find fixed rate that zeros the initial PV

This fixed rate is the par swap rate that makes the swap initially fair valued.

Forward Rates Models in Swap Valuation

Forward rate models like the Ho-Lee Model provide expected future interest rates that can value cash flows on the floating leg of swaps. This accounts for how interest rates may change in the future.

The forward rates output by models provide discount factors applied to each future reset date to value the floating side, improving valuation accuracy.

Accounting for Interest Rate Swaps

Interest rate swaps are common financial derivatives used by companies to manage interest rate risk. Proper accounting and reporting of these instruments is important for accurate financial statements.

Interest Rate Swap Accounting Basics

Interest rate swaps are not assets or liabilities and are not recognized on the balance sheet. Rather, companies record the fair value of the swap and any changes in fair value in net income. Common methods for determining fair value include:

  • Discounted cash flow models
  • Third-party valuations
  • Market-based inputs

Companies must also disclose details about their swaps, including notional amounts, in the financial statement footnotes.

Hedge Accounting and Derivatives

If an interest rate swap qualifies as a hedge, special hedge accounting rules may apply which allow gains/losses to bypass net income. To qualify, strict documentation and testing requirements must be met.

For example, if a swap hedges interest rate risk on a bond, the gain/loss on the swap may offset the loss/gain on the bond in other comprehensive income instead of flowing through net income.

Recording Swap Transactions Over Time

As interest rates change, companies must record changes in the swap's fair value:

  • Favorable changes are recorded as gains in net income
  • Unfavorable changes are recorded as losses in net income

These gains/losses will offset the impact of interest rate changes on the hedged item (e.g. bond, loan, etc.) also recorded in net income.

Companies also record periodic interest payments/receipts on the swap as interest income/expense over the life of the contract.

Disclosure Requirements for Swaps

Under accounting rules, companies must disclose:

  • Objectives for entering into swaps
  • Notional amounts
  • Key terms like fixed/floating rates, maturities
  • Accounting treatment
  • Gains/losses recognized on the swaps

These disclosures provide transparency into a company's derivatives activities and their impact on the financial statements.

Advanced Swap Structures and Strategies

Exploring the more complex types of interest rate swaps and the strategies they enable.

Basis Swaps and Their Applications

Basis swaps are a type of interest rate swap where both parties exchange floating rate payments based on different underlying reference rates. For example, one party's payments might be based on LIBOR while the other party's payments are based on the Fed Funds rate.

Basis swaps allow parties to manage basis risk, which is the risk that interest rates on loans, bonds, derivatives and other instruments may reset or mature at different times or use different benchmarks. Some key applications of basis swaps include:

  • Converting a floating rate loan or debt obligation from one benchmark rate to another. For example, a company could swap from paying LIBOR to paying based on Fed Funds or Treasury rates.
  • Hedging mortgage-backed securities which pay based on fluctuating mortgage rates against movements in LIBOR or Treasury rates.
  • Speculating on changes in the difference between benchmark rates such as LIBOR and Fed Funds.

In a basis swap, while both legs are floating rates, the exchange of payments can still reduce risk for parties with mismatched basis exposure.

Quanto Swaps: Combining Currencies and Rates

A quanto swap, short for "quantity adjusting option", is a type of interest rate swap that allows parties to swap fixed or floating interest payments in one currency while exchanging principal payment obligations in a different currency. This allows participants to manage both interest rate risk and FX risk together.

For example, a US company doing business in Europe could enter into a quanto swap to pay fixed or floating euro interest rate payments while exchanging dollar principal amounts, effectively obtaining euro financing while avoiding FX volatility.

The interest payments are based on the foreign currency rates, but adjusted to exclude FX rate fluctuations on the principal, which remains denominated in the domestic currency. This allows pure exposure to foreign interest rates detached from principal currency swings.

Options, Swaps, and Other Derivative Strategies

Interest rate swaps opened the door to combining swaps with other derivatives like options to create more advanced hedging and speculation strategies:

  • Swap options - Options that give buyers the right but not obligation to enter into an underlying swap. Allows hedging of future swaps.
  • Swaptions - A type of swap option that gives the owner the right to enter into a future interest rate swap. Useful for locking in fixed rates for loans.
  • Caps, floors, collars - Option strategies that set upper or lower limits on variable swap rates. Help limit swap rate exposure.
  • Exotic swaps - Customized interest rate swaps with complex payout conditions based on various benchmarks. Allows tailored speculation on rate movements.

As swaps became a building block for multi-layered structured products, it paved the way for sophisticated derivative strategies in global financial markets.

Forward Contracts Explained: Valuing Future Commitments

While not the same as swaps, forward rate agreements (FRAs) allow similar management of interest rate exposure on future obligations.

In an FRA, two parties agree to lock in an interest rate today to be paid on a future date based on an agreed notional amount, essentially fixing a future borrowing/lending rate and mitigating rate fluctuation risks.

Parties do not exchange actual principal - it is a cash-settled side bet on future rate direction. FRAs complement swaps as part of a toolkit to hedge interest rate risks on future loans, bonds, and other instruments. Valuing FRAs requires estimating future spot rates based on the current yield curve and interest rate environment.

Conclusion: Synthesizing Interest Rate Swap Knowledge

Recap of Interest Rate Swap Fundamentals

Interest rate swaps allow parties to exchange interest rate payments. This can help businesses hedge interest rate risk or speculate on interest rate movements. Key aspects include:

  • Swaps involve exchanging fixed and floating interest rates.
  • They are over-the-counter derivative contracts between two counterparties.
  • Interest rate swaps have no principal exchanged, only interest payments based on a notional amount.
  • Common benchmarks for floating rates are LIBOR and the Fed Funds rate.
  • Swaps can be used to transform fixed rate assets/liabilities into floating rate ones, or vice versa.

Strategic Implications for Fixed Income Investing

For fixed income investors, understanding interest rate swaps can provide strategic advantages such as:

  • Hedging bond portfolios against rate rises using swaps and other derivatives.
  • Speculating on interest rate directional bets if they have a view on rate movements.
  • Using swaps to quickly adjust portfolio duration and manage interest rate risk.
  • Synthetically creating desired assets/liabilities without buying/issuing bonds.

Overall, interest rate swaps are an essential tool for active fixed income management.

Final Thoughts on Managing Interest Rate Exposure

Interest rate swaps provide flexibility for corporations and investors to achieve desired interest rate risk profiles amid variable market conditions. Key takeaways include:

  • Swaps can efficiently hedge medium/long-term interest rate exposure.
  • They can transform fixed rate financing into floating rate liabilities.
  • Understanding swap pricing is key to determine their value as hedging tools.
  • Swaps form an integral part of modern financial risk management practices.

With the fundamentals, applications, and strategic implications covered, market participants can make informed decisions on effectively using interest rate swaps.

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